
The content inspection property can be queried to list the exact details of all the transactions currently pending for inclusion in the next block(s), as well as the ones that are being scheduled for future execution only. The result is an object with two fields pending and queued. Each of these fields are associative arrays, in which each entry maps an origin-address to a batch of scheduled transactions. These batches themselves are maps associating nonces with actual transactions. Please note, there may be multiple transactions associated with the same account and nonce. This can happen if the user broadcast mutliple ones with varying gas allowances (or even completely different transactions).


  • No parameter are needed.

curl https://ethereum-mainnet-archive.allthatnode.com/8U3JLUhzIDg3GShvy9hkCCSYkLGc11kj \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{


  • array - list of pending and queued transactions, with each having the following fields:
    • pending - Array of transaction objects, with following fields
      • address - The address initiating a transaction
        • nonce - The nonce of the sending address
          • blockHash - Hash of the block where this transaction was in, null here.
          • blockNumber - Block number where this transaction was added encoded as a hexadecimal, null here.
          • from - Address of the sender.
          • gas - The total amount of gas units used in the transaction.
          • gasPrice - The total amount in wei the sender is willing to pay for the transaction.
          • maxFeePerGas - The maximum amount of gas willing to be paid for the transaction.
          • maxPriorityFeePerGas - The maximum amount of gas to be included as a tip to the miner.
          • hash - Hash of the transaction.
          • input - Encoded transaction input data.
          • nonce - Number of transactions the sender has sent till now.
          • to - Address of the receiver. null when its a contract creation transaction.
          • transactionIndex - Integer of the transactions index position in the block encoded as a hexadecimal.
          • value - Value transferred in Wei encoded as a hexadecimal.
          • type - A number between 0 and 0x7f, for a total of 128 possible transaction types.
          • accesslist - A list of addresses and storage keys that the transaction plans to access, introduced in EIP-2929.
          • chainId - The current network/chain ID, used to sign repplay-protected transaction introduced in EIP-155.
          • v - ECDSA recovery id encoded as a hexadecimal.
          • r - ECDSA signature r.
          • s - ECDSA signature s.
    • queued - Array of transaction objects, with following fields:
      • address - The address initiating a transaction
        • nonce - The nonce of the sending address
          • blockHash - Hash of the block where this transaction was in, null here.
          • blockNumber - Block number where this transaction was added encoded as a hexadecimal, null here.
          • from - Address of the sender.
          • gas - The total amount of gas units used in the transaction.
          • gasPrice - The total amount in wei the sender is willing to pay for the transaction.
          • maxFeePerGas - The maximum amount of gas willing to be paid for the transaction.
          • maxPriorityFeePerGas - The maximum amount of gas to be included as a tip to the miner.
          • hash - Hash of the transaction.
          • input - Encoded transaction input data.
          • nonce - Number of transactions the sender has sent till now.
          • to - Address of the receiver. null when its a contract creation transaction.
          • transactionIndex - Integer of the transactions index position in the block encoded as a hexadecimal.
          • value - Value transferred in Wei encoded as a hexadecimal.
          • type - A number between 0 and 0x7f, for a total of 128 possible transaction types.
          • accesslist - A list of addresses and storage keys that the transaction plans to access, introduced in EIP-2929.
          • chainId - The current network/chain ID, used to sign repplay-protected transaction introduced in EIP-155.
          • v - ECDSA recovery id encoded as a hexadecimal.
          • r - ECDSA signature r.
          • s - ECDSA signature s.

    "pending": {
      "0xfBB64Ea06823b5481224e36B906c94203e5C28Db": {
        "4": {
            "blockHash": null,
            "blockNumber": null,
            "from": "0xfbb64ea06823b5481224e36b906c94203e5c28db",
            "gas": "0x5208",
            "gasPrice": "0x39c45e4b9",
            "maxFeePerGas": "0x39c45e4b9",
            "maxPriorityFeePerGas": "0x59682f00",
            "hash": "0x3b872466cbffa50d424cede21c812eead5e9b313db5ec868c6ad6ce0d00c8e21",
            "input": "0x",
            "nonce": "0x4",
            "to": "0xfbb64ea06823b5481224e36b906c94203e5c28db",
            "transactionIndex": null,
            "value": "0x6a94d74f430000",
            "type": "0x2",
            "accessList": [],
            "chainId": "0x1",
            "v": "0x1",
            "r": "0x697b124a680d3c3dde6d1111e69aacaa094bdb4505e5eb85651f6f1c7ea6b17f",
            "s": "0x10497ea1232e70e9bf085ea092dcf016a56b5d2afe783266e5284d595399a091"
      // More pending transactions...

    "queued": {
      "0xef7253242761831F8f51dE61f98F197B7e82a8Ec": {
        "3": {
          "blockHash": null,
          "blockNumber": null,
          "from": "0xef7253242761831f8f51de61f98f197b7e82a8ec",
          "gas": "0x2aee5",
          "gasPrice": "0x430e23400",
          "maxFeePerGas": "0x430e23400",
          "maxPriorityFeePerGas": "0x5f5e100",
          "hash": "0x1de897dbd0bef68444f5d0aa3d425e48df6a6db7eeaa61bd6e931be741514753",
          "input": "0xe2bbb1580000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000058d15e17628000056c880307d6a2cc678e119bef5067ea89eb801eea715b6b34b8a250fe79d0c2",
          "nonce": "0x3",
          "to": "0xae0ee0a63a2ce6baeeffe56e7714fb4efe48d419",
          "transactionIndex": null,
          "value": "0x59e3f95dd446d2",
          "type": "0x2",
          "accessList": [],
          "chainId": "0x1",
          "v": "0x0",
          "r": "0x2d48bd4f6ca42ad0fa3d9ebde3fd2049f3a7ff7378c17a5956efb57f6e7b2e19",
          "s": "0x7cf68544b6a470836dbd4d9a01b5503b14a6f253d65ccc604491b9da1764154c"
      // More queued transactions...

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Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!