
Votes queries votes of a given proposal.



  • proposal_id: STRING - The unique id of the proposal.


  • pagination.key: STRING - (base64) key is a value returned in PageResponse.next_key to begin querying the next page most efficiently. Only one of offset or key should be set.
  • pagination.offset: INTEGER - offset is a numeric offset that can be used when key is unavailable. It is less efficient than using key. Only one of offset or key should be set.
  • pagination.limit: STRING - limit is the total number of results to be returned in the result page. If left empty it will default to a value to be set by each app.
  • pagination.count_total: BOOLEAN - count_total is set to true to indicate that the result set should include a count of the total number of items available for pagination in UIs. count_total is only respected when offset is used. It is ignored when key
    is set.
  • pagination.reverse: BOOLEAN - reverse is set to true if results are to be returned in the descending order.
curl "https://cosmos-mainnet-archive.allthatnode.com:1317/cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/804/votes?pagination.offset=2&pagination.limit=5&pagination.count_total=false&pagination.reverse=false" \
-H 'x-allthatnode-api-key: 8U3JLUhzIDg3GShvy9hkCCSYkLGc11kj'


  • OBJECT - Tally result
  "votes": [
      "proposal_id": "804",
      "voter": "cosmos1qq8efykd0sf2tnk3d9wmtf7f2nm56yetk3g2hf",
      "option": "VOTE_OPTION_YES",
      "options": [
          "option": "VOTE_OPTION_YES",
          "weight": "1.000000000000000000"
      "proposal_id": "804",
      "voter": "cosmos1qqgga7z7frzmmavqh4a3ypyh0z5hd2y728a9s8",
      "option": "VOTE_OPTION_YES",
      "options": [
          "option": "VOTE_OPTION_YES",
          "weight": "1.000000000000000000"
      "proposal_id": "804",
      "voter": "cosmos1qq2j2hfwy0nepnlvttvnzywff95u5v7hz8eyjv",
      "option": "VOTE_OPTION_YES",
      "options": [
          "option": "VOTE_OPTION_YES",
          "weight": "1.000000000000000000"
      "proposal_id": "804",
      "voter": "cosmos1qqnzl26pkjk6yvqfzyn92g0ylzj22mee5l2sn4",
      "option": "VOTE_OPTION_YES",
      "options": [
          "option": "VOTE_OPTION_YES",
          "weight": "1.000000000000000000"
      "proposal_id": "804",
      "voter": "cosmos1qq5k26kkjydu37wkyaua4wz6r7vf8ljkuqktkd",
      "option": "VOTE_OPTION_YES",
      "options": [
          "option": "VOTE_OPTION_YES",
          "weight": "1.000000000000000000"
  "pagination": {
    "next_key": "FAArVZgVBKwYIt4sz2K0aQ7/IfpT",
    "total": "0"

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